June 20, 2024

Alive Moments June 2024

You’re a Part of Something Life-Changing

Your support is an essential part of this mission, providing hope, education, and the love of Jesus to those in need. At Kid’s Alive, we see the Lord working every day, and we’re encouraged by His faithfulness.

We’re called to be a light for the nations (Isaiah 42:6).

  • Kenya: Our emotional care team supported a young girl, and her mother was empowered to provide for her family.
  • Zambia: Children in transitional care received three months of in-home tutoring.
  • Lebanon: Over 40 children were provided with daily nutrition for body, mind, soul, and spirit.
  • Peru: Children from Kids Alive Juniper Tree were successfully placed with loving, trained families.
  • Guatemala: Kids Alive teachers helped girls learn to read and write for the first time.
  • Dominican Republic: Supplemental nutrition program provided holistic care for over 200 children.
  • Haiti: KAH's Safeguarding office launched a community campaign to raise awareness about child protection.


Alex* and her mom, Lilian* joined Kids Alive Kenya after experiencing abandonment and the harsh realities of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the compassionate support of our emotional care department, their journey of healing began. Today, Alex has conquered her 8th-grade National exams and is stepping into high school with newfound confidence! We also helped Lilian start a vegetable stall, enabling her to provide for her family independently.


At Kids Alive Zambia, children who were not enrolled in school due to being in transitional care attended three months of in-home tutoring facilitated by a volunteer teacher. The children kept active and learned basic mathematics, reading, writing, personal hygiene, physical exercise, and the Word of God. 


At Kids Alive Lebanon’s New Horizons Center, we provided over 40 children with daily sandwiches, fruit, and a weekly homemade meal, which for many are their only meals of the day. Our team is serving Syrian refugees and nomadic Bedouin children with educational tutoring, life skills training, and discipleship, despite the challenges of war. 


To expand child safety in the community, Kids Alive Haiti’s Safeguarding office launched a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of child protection. The campaign reached 3,639 students and 218 staff members! This initiative, timed to align with Haiti’s celebration of children in June, focused on educating institutions around Kids Alive Haiti using presentations, videos, stickers identifying Child Protection Agents, and posters


Kids Alive Peru is dedicated to ensuring every child experiences the blessing of family by keeping them with or reuniting them with their biological families. When this isn’t an option, Kids Alive helps place them with loving, trained Christian parents. Recently, we successfully placed two children from the Juniper Tree Residential program with stable and loving families after thorough research, home visits, and parental training. 


Our teachers and staff at Kids Alive Guatemala use trauma-responsive methods and creative teaching strategies to support each child’s education. They incorporate learning through play, singing, walks, videos, and physical exercises. These tailored approaches are helping 15-year-old girls learn to read and write for the first time and excel academically. 

Dominican Republic

We're thrilled to report significant progress at Kids Alive Dominican Republic, with 80% of last year’s supplemental nutrition program participants showing improvements and 27% moving out of the at-risk category. Thanks to donors like you, we provide holistic care for over 200 children, nourishing their bodies, minds, and spirits. 

Double Your Impact Today!

Join us in empowering vulnerable children, families, and communities! Double your impact with our Global Education Match. Your support provides essential learning opportunities and resources—donate today

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