January 28, 2020

Baptisms, Bible Studies and Ice Creams!

A baptism at Oasis is a special event that brings our girls, young women, and their children together to celebrate the commitment of each individual as they invite Jesus into their lives.

From the Country Director's Desk

Wow, what a year! I want to thank our team – staff, and supporters! In addition to the “normal” great things that happen at Source of Hope, Oasis, Arquilla, Casa Ester and Families Together, this year Kids Alive Guatemala accomplished the following:

  • 12 students graduated from Source of Hope, all achieving a higher level of education (completing 9th grade) than their parents
  • 10 alumnae of Source of Hope graduated from high school to join university
  • Provided scholarships to three Source of Hope graduates
  • Opened an on-campus home for babies of Arquilla girls being placed for adoption
  • Opened an on-campus home for girls at Oasis to help with the transition to Casa Ester "independence program"
  • Launched Estercitas program at Casa Ester for young women with disabilities
  • Leased to buy land for expanding work at Casa Ester – which is reaching its capacity with 24 young girls and women
  • Succeeded in getting the first two convictions that sent perpetrators to over 20 years in prison sentences
  • Launched “Your Compass,” a community outreach program in Escuintla to raise awareness of sexual abuse in churches, schools, and other organizations
  • Two teen moms with their babies placed into foster families
  • 27 girls and young women at Arquilla, Oasis, and Casa Ester were baptized
  • Recognized by the Supreme Court of Guatemala for our contribution to the Child Protection System
  • Relocated a family to Peru for their personal safety
  • Launched a 2-day training program to share all we have learned in Oasis, Arquilla, and Families Together that has been attended by 21 local and regional organizations and the following Kids Alive offices – Kids Alive International, Peru, Dominican Republic, Kenya, and Zambia

Whew. It was nice to have a breather during the holidays and we are excited about 2020!

God's Peace,

Corbey Dukes

Guatemala Country Director

Kids Alive International

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