December 12, 2019

Celebrating "Los Tres Reyes Magos" or "The Three Kings Day"

Christmas is celebrated with much gusto at Santo Domingo North School. While some Dominicans frown on the early start of Christmas celebrations, the Dominican Christmas celebration lasts till January 6, concluding with "The Kings Day" (also known as "The Three Kings Day")! This national holiday marks the Wise Men's presentation of gifts to baby Jesus. Yellow-colored clothing is worn to mark this celebration.

While Christmas is celebrated by exchanging presents, delicious meals, and fun activities, the children are reminded of the reason we celebrate Christmas and God's most precious gift of  Jesus. The Christmas pageant and other skits and drama reiterate God's salvation offered to all.

We celebrated Christmas and The Kings Day celebrations last year. Our students, from poor homes where parents cannot afford presents, take great delight in receiving presents from the school.

The celebratory meal and presents follow a message about Jesus' birth from Margaret and her husband Juan, who established the school.

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