December 10, 2021

Dire circumstances require tough love


Love looks like protecting a childhood

ALIVE! Newsletter
Fall 2021

Love looks live never giving up

Love looks protecting a childhood

Dire circumstances require tough love

Restoring Joy and Songs of the Heart!


An uneasy calm has settled in Haiti since the kidnapping of the 17 foreign missionaries for ransom in October. Even though armed gangs patrol highways and extort money for protection, our dedicated staff continue to minister to the children in our school and residential program. God has called us to the hard places to serve in His name, and so our work continues. Out of caution to protect our children and staff, we have removed most Haiti updates and information from the website. Please continue to pray for God's protection of our children and staff and their families and communities.


Even as Lebanon goes through a long-term crisis, the Kids Alive team is working to full capacity ministering to our children and their communities through these challenging times. While people struggle to re-prioritize scarce resources such as money for food over rent and gas due to the high costs of essentials, our campus is a haven for the children in our care. Kids Alive continues to provide education, counseling, and spiritual truth while meeting the physical needs of the children, some of whom are refugees from Syria. Please continue to pray for all the children and the refugee communities who long for home and our staff who serve these forgotten families in the name of Jesus.

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