April 9, 2021

Spring Update from the Dominican Republic

We had a wonderful time of connection with many of our supporters on Thursday, April 28, sharing stories of God's faithfulness and transformative work happening in Dominican Republic. You can view the update with Vic and Leslie Trautwein below, and if inspired, join these efforts or share with a friend! Thank you for your faithful partnership!

Have a question about our Dominican Republic Ministry?

Feel free to reach out to Steve Lewis, Rebecca Hepner, or Karin Douglas, who would love to get your questions answered.

Inspired? Here's how you can get involved.

Your support today (with the form below) will be doubled and will be used to fill these needs:

  • Additional 10 teachers to support expanding schools ($90,000)
  • Construction funds for classroom additions/summer maintenance ($125,000)
  • 20 additional university scholarships ($2,000 X 20 = $40,000)
  • Additional support staff for social/emotional/health/dental care ($40,000)
  • Textbooks & supplies for school start-ups ($50,000)
  • Organize and bring a service team (30-40 teams in 2023) ($40,000)

You can also provide sustaining gifts through our Site.

(if there is no form here, follow this link)

"Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless.." Isaiah 1:17 (NKJV)


Kids Alive cares for children in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Kenya, Lebanon, Peru, and Zambia.


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