August 29, 2024

Update From the CEO

'Justice that Heals. Bonds that Mend.' Explained

A note from the CEO...

On our new website, you'll see the words: “Justice that Heals. Bonds that Mend.” We’re digging into what this means and how it reflects the work we’ve already been doing in our ministry.

'Bonds that Mend' speaks to the God-given need for children to form a healthy relationship with an adult that is safe, loving, and nurturing. The best bonds are with their parents, which is why KAI has invested so much in family strengthening. It can also be caregivers, teachers, social workers, therapists, lawyers, coaches, etc.

We are investing in training all of our staff to build trusting bonds because we know this is so critical. These safe, loving, and nurturing bonds help heal traumas, give a healthy identity, and foster maturing. These are the bonds that mend their hearts from bullying, insults, and even sexual abuse. Since everyone gets wounded in this fallen world, every child needs those bonds. And we know the ultimate safe, loving, and nurturing bond is with Jesus. So all we do and say, in every program, works to lead everyone to His salvation. 

'Justice that Heals' reflects our commitment to creating environments where discipline is fair, proportionate, and focused on nurturing and connection rather than control. True justice means that children know they will be treated with dignity and respect, and that their basic needs will be met. It means our trauma-informed staff connect with children before correcting them, ensuring they feel safe and understood. It means we work to protect children and keep them in healthy families. 

It also means we can holistically respond when children have experienced trauma, such as sexual violence and abuse. We want to walk with them into healing, which requires justice. We advocate for child-friendly systems, so that they are not further harmed by the systems meant to protect them, and that they have a voice in the process from classrooms to courtrooms.

By being a beacon of hope for these children, they, in turn, become beacons of hope for their families and communities. They will be the salt and light for transformation as thriving children in thriving families create thriving communities.

That's where we see true justice and healing from trauma.

Thank you for your continued support as we work towards a healthier future for vulnerable children, families, and communities based on their relationship with Jesus and the identity He wants to give them.

In His Service,

Corbey Dukes

President and CEO, Kids Alive International

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