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We invite you on this journey to justice & healing to make #ImpactThatHeals. Join us with a year-end gift to help pave the road for an even brighter future for children & families globally.

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You can help

Pave the way for healthier futures.

Want to be a part of life-changing journeys? Kids Alive aims to meet the physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual needs of vulnerable children and families. Donors like you help us transform lives and communities through our holistic programs.

We invite you to be a part of more life-changing adventures with Kids Alive.
Support the Journey Today!

On the road to healing and justice

We celebrate the positive impact we see in the lives of those we serve. Donors play an important part in making these journeys possible. At Kids Alive, all efforts are steered toward our four global goals:

Enjoy A vibrant, Life-Changing Relationship with God
Our surveys show that compared to the rest of the community, a young adult from a KAI school is 6x more likely to be involved in church.
Experience Emotional & Physical Well-Being
KAI invests over 11,700 hours annually in biblical-based, evidence-based therapy from licensed therapists.
Are equipped for a life of independence and service
KAI students are 3x more likely to attend high school than children attending public schools in the same area.
Live life in family and community, free of fear and violence
A KAI represented child is 10x more likely to see their abuser arrested & sentenced than the general public.
Support the 1-Year Journey of a Multi-Disciplinary Team
The work of each Kids Alive Site couldn’t happen without the dedication and incredible skills of our multi-disciplinary teams. Our teams include social workers, lawyers, psychologists, teachers and other specialists helping immerse every child and family that works with us into a holistic approach to justice and healing.

Champion the efforts of a multi-disciplinary team as they journey to impact the lives of each of the kids and families they engage with on a daily basis. To remind you of the amazing impact you are making, we’ll send you a Kids Alive t-shirt that you can wear as you invite others to be a champion alongside you.
Support an 18-month Journey to Justice & Healing
We accompany victims of sexual abuse on a path of healing justice and provide legal services, therapy, social services, and discipleship, serving as agents of restoration. Our goal is to bring both justice and healing to these victims, and at the end of the 18-month process, we give them a celebration to remember by providing them with a “white stone necklace” to symbolize and remind them of how strong they are and the change God has made in them. These children have gotten through some hard and traumatic experiences, and we hope these necklaces serve as a reminder that God, and others, are in their corner to support them.

Help us champion a sexually abused child’s 18-month journey to justice & healing. To help you participate in this journey with these children, we will send you a Kendra Scott “White Stone” necklace as a reminder and celebration of the milestones these journeys bring.
Support the Strengthening Journeys of KAI Families
KAI offers needs-based ministries that strengthen families so that children can thrive in body, mind, soul, and spirit. We focus on equipping parents for strong and safe families and preparing children for success with life skills, tutoring, and safety.

Champion our community & family-centric workshops & activities designed to heal and empower the future Journey of our KAI families. Be a part of the parent training and job skills workshops and activities we provide through your contribution today, and we’ll send you a special gift made from our global sites!
Support the Journey for Restorative Education
Through our educational programs, we provide holistic, high-quality Christian education. We intentionally create trauma-responsive environments that address the needs of children in vulnerable families and communities. By equipping children with essential skills and knowledge, we empower them to become healthy, active contributors to their communities.

Join us on this journey to help provide school supplies, books, uniforms, scholarships, and other essential needs for our schools. As a way to follow the journey with us, we will send you a special gift made from our global sites.
Support the Journey Globally with us
We believe that every child deserves a chance to live a life free from fear and trauma. Through our comprehensive programs and resources, we work to transform lives and communities through a holistic Christ-centered approach that melds faith and evidence-based practices.

Help champion the journeys of all of our KAI sites in driving justice and healing for their communities, families, & children.
Share the Joy of Christmas
The Kids Alive Treat Fund provides a little extra joy and fun to the students at our global sites. Your monthly contributions go a long way to support these students academically, socially, spiritually, and physically. We couldn’t do that without you! Our sites often have celebrations throughout the year, and the Treat Fund allows them to make them extra special.

Share the Joy of Christmas with Our Classrooms through a Contribution to the Treat Fund.
Become a

Monthly Champion

Champion the rights and needs of the marginalized on a monthly journey. Your support transforms lives, giving hope, healing, and justice to those who need it most. Join our efforts at Kids Alive, and become a champion today!

Be a Student Champion
With support from donors like you, students have the opportunity to thrive academically, socially, spiritually, and physically, equipped with the education, tools, and resources they need to excel in and out of the classroom. We strive to meet the unique needs of each community we serve. Our programs adapt to the specific challenges faced by children, families, and government partners within these communities. Join us in making a long-term impact!
$50/mo or $600/annually
Be a Safe Haven Champion
At Kids Alive, we walk alongside vulnerable children as they navigate the harsh realities of trauma such as abuse, sexual violence, and neglect. Our team is committed to providing a place of safety and protection - a safe haven - to heal those traumatic wounds and build communities where violence and trauma are reduced. As a Safe Haven Champion, you support our family strengthening, protective care, and justice advocacy programs. Join us on this journey for healing.
$50/mo or $600/annually
Share the journey

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You can help

Pave the way for healthier futures.

Want to be a part of life-changing journeys? Kids Alive aims to meet the physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual needs of vulnerable children and families. Donors like you help us transform lives and communities through our holistic programs. We invite you to be a part of more life-changing adventures with Kids Alive.


on the road to healing and justice

We celebrate the positive impact we see in the lives of those we serve. Donors play an important part in making these journeys possible. At Kids Alive, all efforts are steered towards four global goals:

A Life-Changing Relationship with God
  • 1,551 Participants Enrolled in Informal Mentorship Activities
  • 33 Baptisms
  • 45 New Professing Christians 
  • 182 Participants with Mentors 
Emotional and Physical Well-Being
  • 1,198 Participants Receiving Therapy
  • 9,767 Hours of Therapy Performed
  • 2,218 Participants Provided with Medical Attention
  • 470,004 Nutritious Meals Served in our Sites
Equipped for a Life of Independence and Service
  • 3,645 Students Enrolled in KAI Schools
  • 585 Participants (Non-KAI Students) received Educational Support
  • 278,566 Hours Invested in Tutoring
  • 613 Participants Engaging in General Independence Activities
Live life in family and community, free of fear and violence
  • 33 Children and Teenagers Reunified to a Loving and Healthy Family
  • Over 200 Children Whom KAI is Searching for a Family Recourse
  • 241 Participants Supported with Active Cases in the Justice System
Become a

Monthly champion

Champion the rights and needs of the marginalized on a monthly journey. Your support transforms lives, giving hope, healing, and justice to those who need it most. Join our efforts at Kids Alive, and become a champion today!

Be a Student Champion

Kids Alive Dominican Republic offers a holistic approach to restorative education in seven schools, creating healthier and safer children, families, and communities. The schools serve over 2,000 students and help strengthen over 1,000 families annually.

Be a Student Champion
Be a Safe Haven Champion

Safe Havens focus on Family Strengthening and Justice Advocacy. Our trauma-informed staff supports 690 direct participants in our programs, which represents 306 families. This year, 13 youth have been reintegrated into a safe and loving family.

Be a Safe Haven Champion