June 29, 2020

Ark youth stand in the gap

The Ark is a refuge for at-risk children and youth, and even more so during this pandemic. Our kids have been quarantined with their house parents on the campus since March 19. Despite this, when surveyed, the vast majority express gratitude for their time together!

The lockdown has brought many challenges, and staff have had to be very creative to make sure everything gets done. Our older youth have stepped up to fill the service roles usually carried out by the support staff, including cooking, cleaning, and yard work. Many have spiritually matured during this time, and one was also baptized.Directors Fred and Kasandra O’Brien keep a healthy and active weekly schedule, including classes taught by house parents on the school campus, complete with PE and devotions.

Other activities include making new foods such as pizza, playing board games, and growing vegetables.Celebrated on the last Sunday of May, Mother’s Day was a hit with the moms who enjoyed gifts and special pizza. And one afternoon, God provided the entertainment in a powerful downpour complete with large hailstones!The country remains under curfew, mandatory mask use, and enforced travel restrictions.

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