June 29, 2020

CMP – a refuge in the storm

Casa Monte Plata (CMP) is a refuge during this difficult time of COVID-19. Though the children and youth here are quarantined, they are secure with a supply of food and loving house parents. Teenagers and young adults from our independence project, Casa Ester, are also quarantined on campus and taking on roles as house moms, assistants, or educational tutors for younger children.

Most of the children express gratitude for the care they are receiving. Being quarantined in a home in a barrio without food and running water would have been far more challenging. Church, art activities, unstructured playtime, making new foods, and schoolwork fill the days of these children and youth.

Rosa* turned fifteen, the big coming of age birthday here, and even though the usual quincañera fiesta was not possible during quarantine, it was special. At the end of the day, Rosa contentedly recounted all the blessings she received, starting with breakfast, a surprise cake, a visit from her biological family, and blessings from her CMP siblings. And this month all CMP women dressed up for a special tea on the directors’ porch, complete with photos, worship, and a devotion.

The men successfully took on fixing the septic system under the guidance of former CMP resident Pablito, now a plumber.While the country remains under curfew, mandatory mask, and travel restrictions, our children were enjoying the space and surroundings of CMP, and Juana, our site director, is using her spare time to take better selfies, too!

(*name changed)

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