June 18, 2021

Strengthened families, thriving children

While children are at the core of Kids Alive’s ministry, our goal is to strengthen their families, allowing them to grow up in caring and nurturing environments where they can thrive.

We invite or rescue children and youth from hard circumstances and help them to grow up well, and the children themselves often become instruments of blessing. In our schools, another essential way to help a child is to invest in their caregivers, including parents, grandparents,or extended family members.Regular activities such as parenting classes and school events help guide and encourage these caregivers.

Additionally, our campuses have increasing counseling support to provide direct assistance as well. Josue, a local pastor and our school counselor, recounts his experience and Kids Alive’s involvement in the life of one of our students and her family:

A couple of years ago, a family came to school requesting a scholarship for their youngest daughter. My fellow counselor Kerry and I went to visit the family. It was our first contact. The wife was keen to hear more about the Bible. 

While the couple professed to be Christian, they were having a hard time attending church as a family. That was indicative of other issues in the family.  

One day the wife approached me and asked for counseling help, especially for her husband. In talking to the husband, he told me that his wife needed counseling.  

So, I invited both for counseling, and despite some interruptions, partially due to COVID-related quarantine, we have been meeting. God has been miraculously working in their marriage and the whole family. Everyone now attends our church on Sundays and is very excited. 

Though some difficulties remain, both have grown a lot in faith and are willing to do whatever it takes to glorify God. 

It’s a privilege for us to help strengthen families,and we also know it is one of the best ways for us to help our children to thrive.

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