July 24, 2021

Transforming children’s lives via exceptional schooling

Transformation of children and youth that come from hard situations is complicated work that requires patience, love, and expertise. Using these attributes, our seven schools have developed well deserved reputations for both serving the most needy children in their communities and helping transform their lives over many years.

Most children enter our schools between 3 and 4 years of age. Sometimes they are selected from many applicants solely based on need and generally come from impoverished and dysfunctional families. They are at risk for neglect, malnutrition, under education, and various forms of abuse. When possible, we also admit special needs children, to prevent their mistreatment and provide protection and services which would otherwise be unavailable to them. We use a holistic approach to help children develop; this includes giving attention to their spiritual, academic, emotional, social, and physical development.

In recent years, we have been able to enhance our program by adding resources like Christian psychologists, social workers, dentists, and health care specialists and by offering after-school programs such as sports, discipleship training, English language classes, and parent training.Our holistic approach helps create an environment of loving care and promotes the development of all aspects of a child’s life. Our schools are recognized by the public education system for their special education capacity and overall excellence, and are generally among the top-performing schools in standardized testing in their districts (despite starting with impoverished, at-risk children).

In some of our communities, a Kids Alive child is five times more likely to graduate from high school than a typical Dominican student and six times more likely to be part of a church as an adult.We greatly appreciate the generous support that allows us to provide this multidisciplinary, holistic approach. We remain excited to see continued transformation in the lives of our students, their families, and even our communities as our schools and programs mature.

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