January 18, 2021

A beacon of light shining toward 2021

The year 2020 will remain deeply etched in our collective consciousness. For the students and staff of Santo Domingo North, it marked a time when we experienced God being with us through His provision and protection. Though the year was replete with unexpected changes and surprises we were still continually able to care holistically for more than 200 children and youth.

Some highlights include pivoting to become a relief agency for the families of our children in the midst of the pandemic; converting our education processes to distance learning so we could continue with the spiritual and academic education of our children and youth; and upgrading the technical capacity and abilities of our teaching staff to meet the demands of this challenging time.Finally, in late December with the help of workers from a large church in the capital, we were able to distribute Christmas Eve dinners to everyone our school children’s families as well as some elderly and needy families in the community.Looking forward, we hope to have kids return to our campus in small groups this spring, then in full by August. Though we have become effective at distance teaching, we know the students desperately miss the loving and safe environment of the campus and that normal difficulties in their homes have only been amplified during this time.We hope to restart programs like AWANA - a Bible study and activity program - and a weekly family worship time that have been on hold during the pandemic. Lastly, we’ll continue our efforts to get government accreditation and add 6th grade as well as expand the facility by acquiring the land adjacent to the current property.Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Que Dios les bendiga mucho (May God bless you abundantly).

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