February 8, 2021

A bridge between children and the resources they need

An Interview with Luz Angela Espinosa, Director, Constanza School

Luz Angela was born and raised in Columbia. She immigrated to the Dominican Republic with a group of Columbians in 2002. In 2004, she began teaching at ANIJA School and was promoted to direct the Constanza School in 2017.

What do you enjoy the most about your work?

I enjoy making connections with people, opportunities to grow and serve the Lord through a ministry that allows me to be a bridge between the needs of children and resources. It is also rewarding to see growth, development, and transformation; to see a child arrive, grow up, and even become my co-worker, and be used by the Lord as an instrument of transformation.

What are some of the biggest challenges in the past year?

The pandemic brought several challenges – meeting children’s spiritual, emotional, physical, social, and educational needs, as well as teaching families to support their children with studies and disciplining remotely. The community’s economic hardships continue. We had to reinvent ourselves and reengineer our systems to meet the needs.

Tell us about specific areas of progress that you have noticed?

Ramona, a fifth-grader, struggled to keep up with her studies. Her parents decided to opt-out of our school for a public school. My team convinced them not to, and we dedicated resources. The collaboration between our counselors, spiritual development team, and the social worker’s frequent visits to Ramona paid off. Our food distribution and Ramona’s mother’s coming alongside her daughter further helped. She caught up and her parents are pleased.

What are some of the strengths of your program?

We walk alongside our children and their families to provide personalized holistic care which meets their physical, spiritual, emotional, and other needs through our committed staff. We also maintain good relations with the school district.

What do you hope for in 2021?

I hope that we can return to in-person care for our children and that many families will come to know Jesus.

What are your long-term goals for the program?

Offer a family program for the holistic development of children, strengthen the spiritual program for staff, children and families, along with personalized education and home visits. And offer elective afternoon workshops for children, design our own academic, socio-emotional, and spiritual curriculum, and expand school through 12th grade.

How has your work at Kids Alive helped you to grow personally?

It has helped me develop the potential placed in me by the Lord. We consistently receive training to keep us current and innovative. Daily devotionals and spiritual retreats strengthen our spiritual growth.

Anything else you would like to add?

We are very grateful to you, our supporters, for your partnership in promoting God’s Kingdom. The seed of love that you help plant in a child will bear fruit that will bless the nation. Thank you for answering the Lord's call to help at-risk children. Greetings from the children, families, and partners of Constanza, we love you in Christ. God bless you.

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