May 20, 2021

"Breaking" Free!

“Spring Break” took on extra meaning for all three Kids Alive residential programs this year. For some children and youth from Ark Jarabacoa, Ark Constanza, and Casa Monte Plata, this was their first time to break free from their campuses in over a year due to the pandemic-imposed quarantine.

Children and youth from all three sites were able to spend at least several days at camps in their own protected pods, to the great enjoyment of all. While Ark Jarabacoa and Ark Constanza groups went to a beautiful Young Life Camp in the mountains near Jarabacoa, the Casa Monte Plata staff and children spent a week at the rustic camp near Monte Plata.

Our youth enjoyed excellent facilities with good recreational spaces and table games at the camp. The Young Life Camp also had a dedicated area to practice teamwork exercises in fun and challenging ways. Some of the more adventurous kids scaled the local 6,000-foot high Magote peak!

Youth at Monte Plata camp enjoyed a night in tents, a first for some, and sports activities, with a dip in the local river that runs through the camp.

Devotions at the camps, some led by the students, included house parents and students alike taking time to process the lessons from the pandemic. For all in our residential programs, God’s protection and provision have been clearly evident. We are collectively thankful to Him for being so merciful. We are also incredibly thankful for a great spring “break” that was particularly refreshing during this unique time.

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