June 29, 2020

Feeding bodies, nourishing minds

Santo Domingo East School continues to subsidize children’s nutrition through relief food to 87 families who are part of our school community. The families come to collect food at the site, and those without transportation receive deliveries at home.

Our teachers have adapted to the COVID-19 world. They now connect with their students via WhatsApp to send study materials, homework, weekly devotions, and words of support and encouragement. School directors Kami and Romulo meet weekly with the six other Kids Alive school directors to plan, share successes and best practices, and discuss topics such as sustaining spiritual and emotional care of children and staff.

The Kids Alive DR counseling staff have produced videos to guide parents in engaging with their children, keeping daily routines, and addressing issues such as stress and anxiety. The medical staff has also produced videos and flyers on COVID-19 prevention, use of personal protective equipment, and how to care for a sick person. The country remains under curfew, with mandatory mask-use and restricted travel.

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