June 23, 2020

Goodbye hunger, hello connection!

Santo Domingo North School continues its food relief program to 77 families with the help of a local church. Job losses have left many families with no income during the COVID-19 pandemic.Our teachers are working hard to stay spiritually, emotionally, and academically engaged with our students. Despite the challenges imposed by the pandemic, students are working hard, and families enjoy sharing photos with their teachers via WhatsApp – the main way of communicating during this pandemic.

School directors Margaret and Juan meet weekly with the six other Kids Alive school directors to plan, share successes and ideas, and discuss spiritual and emotional care. The Kids Alive DR counseling staff have produced videos to guide parents in engaging with their children, keeping daily routines, and addressing other issues such as stress and anxiety.

The Kids Alive medical staff has also produced videos and flyers on COVID-19 prevention, use of personal protective equipment, and how to care for a sick family member. The country remains under government-enforced curfew, mandatory mask use, and restrictions on movement.

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