April 22, 2020

Kids Alive COVID-19 response for our schools and care centers


Kids Alive is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by ensuring that our students stay on track and engaged in their education, even during these challenging times. We’re doing this through adapting lessons for distance learning, using online options, providing photocopied study resources delivered by our staff, facilitating telephone consultations with teachers, and organizing WhatsApp groups for parents to keep in touch and stay informed about their kids’ work. Our counselors are monitoring students and sending short videos to the families on how to handle stress and how to keep children active.

Many of our children come from families where there is now no income, and the children are at risk of hunger, malnutrition, and or getting food from unsafe sources. So we’re using the budgets normally allocated for school meals to help feed families of our kids and community members with basic non-perishable foods and, in some cases, cooked meals. And as we make home visits to our kids with food and educational material deliveries as well as tips on hygiene and disease prevention, we’re making the most of every opportunity to share the Gospel and bring hope!

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