June 29, 2020

Food for bodies, minds, and hearts

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Palo Blanco School’s light is shining ever more brightly! The school is providing relief packages of food, tracts, and educational materials to the 170 families of students who attend Palo Blanco. The school is also providing emotional support as teachers make regular contact with their families and students via WhatsApp.

School director Jan and academic director Miriam meet weekly with the six other Kids Alive school directors to plan, share best practices, and discuss spiritual and emotional care. The Kids Alive DR counseling staff have produced videos to guide parents in engaging with their children, keeping daily routines, and addressing issues such as stress and anxiety. The medical staff have also produced videos and flyers on COVID-19 prevention, use of personal protective equipment, and how to care for sick family members.

We are grateful to visitor Kathleen, who is sewing masks for the staff and children. The country remains under curfew, with mandatory use of masks and with restrictions on movement.

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