June 29, 2020

Getting kids "mask-ready"

Around 80% of families of students at Eva Russell School have been left without an income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to your generous support, we’ve provided weekly food rations for these 130 families, along with educational material and family devotions.

School director Debora Prenza leads daily devotions with her staff via WhatsApp, and then reaches out to recent graduates of Eva Russell to help meet some of their needs. She also confers weekly with the six other Kids Alive school directors to plan and share ideas for spiritual and emotional care of the children.

The Kids Alive Dominican Republic staff have produced video clips to guide parents in engaging their children, keeping a daily routine, and addressing other issues such as stress and anxiety. The medical staff have also produced videos and flyers on COVID-19 prevention, use of personal protective equipment, and how to care for a sick person.

The country remains under curfew, with mandatory mask use and travel restrictions. Thank you to Tower Hill Church, Red Bank, NJ, for the masks you made and sent for all the children at Eva Russell!

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