September 14, 2020

House moms rise to meet the challenge!

It is a pleasure to share with you about our work during this time at our residential program, the wonderful role that our house moms are playing, the challenges we are facing, and how we are overcoming these.

Currently, the house moms are not only providing additional homework support but also actively teaching the children to help them succeed. I feel the house moms are doing an exceptional job, going way beyond expectations, to provide extra assistance. Our house moms have always worked hard to make sure that the children have the right food, clothing, health care, spiritual nurture, recreation activities, and good relationships with each other. Now, these excellent ladies – who lack nothing and have so much knowledge to share – are going beyond and providing great educational support.

One of the main challenges has been to keep the girls cheerful and upbeat after five months of confinement. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the court hearings have been limited. We have also been forced to suspend the monthly Visitor’s Day and replace that and other family and mentor visitations with video chats. Being confined to the Oasis campus means that our children are not able to go to school or church, or even walk down to nearby shops with their house moms to get a snack. All these fun activities have been postponed until the restrictions are lifted. However, the house moms are working hard to be supportive during these difficult and unknown times, so that the children in our care can have still fun throughout the week and find the balance between study, work, and fun.  

We appreciate your prayers for the house moms to continue to abound in patience and love for each of the girls in our care. Please pray for nights of rejuvenating sleep to help our house moms serve with excellence. Pray for our house moms to have a sense of peace and understanding for each of the girls during this difficult time of not being able to see their families or share time with their classmates and friends from church and school. Pray that the children will persevere and do well in their daily assignments and responsibilities. Please continue to pray for the health of our staff, house moms, children, and children’s families.  

Joanne Lara, Coordinator of Residential Program

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