April 22, 2020

Kids Alive COVID-19 response for our residential homes


Kids Alive is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by doing all we can to keep our residential kids healthy, occupied, and productive. We’ve put in place sturdy protocols for hygiene and safety, many times exceeding the country and community standards where we serve. Our kids are learning to take responsibility for their health as well as their housemates and caregivers, and in many cases, they are stepping up to fulfill roles left temporarily empty by staff members who can’t get into work. Under the direction of our medical advisers, we have designated and prepared safe, comfortable quarters for any child or staffer who might need to be quarantined for a time.

Our house parents and staffers are creating schedules for Bible study and devotional times, educational and sports activities, chores, study sessions, and “downtime,” making sure that we maximize variety and use these times of isolation wisely. Our psychologists and counselors are talking regularly with all of our kids about the changes that have taken place, and we’re closely monitoring them for emotional health. We’re also having church services at our children’s homes and allowing kids to worship and even lead in worship. The world may look out of control to human eyes, but God’s children can rest in His perfect control!

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