February 8, 2021

Pandemic has improved parents’ involvement in their children’s studies

An Interview with Pablo Alberto Polanco, Director, Park School and Care Center

Alberto’s diverse engineering, business, and discipleship background trained him well for leading the school program which he has built up since its inception in 2005. He has overseen the program to transform the lives of hundreds of children.

What gives you the greatest joy at work?

I like to help people solve problems.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced in the past year?

Maintaining a connection with our staff, children, and the community.

Tell us about the areas of progress that you have observed?

We have always had trouble in meeting and collaborating with students’ parents, but the pandemic changed that, and now we are working closely together to help their children. Every Friday, a parent or caregiver from each family comes to turn in homework and receive new study materials. We have also instituted parent-teacher meetings by class and distributed groceries to help families who have lost their source of income.

What are some of the strengths of your program?

Being able to help children in danger of being abused and removing them from such places.

What is the one thing you hope for in 2021?

We would like Park School to be recognized as a two-section school and take over all the initial and basic education (preschool and primary) in the village through sixth grade.

What are some of your long-term ministry goals?

Our goal is to be a model in spiritual, health, and educational instruction in the community.

How has serving in ministry helped you grow personally?

It has changed my whole life, and above all, it has taught me to wait on the Lord. His timing is perfect, and one of my greatest challenges is to wait on His timing.

Do you have other thoughts you would like to share?

Thank you. And no matter what we are going through, the Lord is in control. Our goal is to please the Lord. With His help, and according to His will, everything will be possible.

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