February 8, 2021

Seeing Christ reflected in the eyes of the children

An Interview with Debora Prenza, Director, Eva M. Russell School

Debora joined the school as a secretary and Sponsorship Coordinator in the 1990s. She gradually worked her way up to become the school’s principal sixteen years ago. She is university educated and is proficient in four languages.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I love to bond with children and their families. I like helping teachers develop spiritually and in teaching practices. I am overjoyed to see a child succeed academically and accept Christ as their Savior.

What have been your biggest challenges in the last year?

Not being able to connect and have our children at school. Working in sponsorship and leading long-distance classes is stressful and tiring. It is also challenging to get all the students’ families involved in distance education and provide assistance at the level with their families’ needs.

What progress have you observed recently?

Maria, a sixth-grader, struggled with focusing on her studies in class. When called out, she was defiant and had to be sent for guidance counseling. The pandemic worsened the situation. She complained of "too much" homework and fell behind on her assignments. Her mother informed the school that Maria was depressed, as she missed school. About this time, the school launched an assistance program that included food for struggling families. It made a significant difference as both of Maria’s parents had lost their jobs. She now expresses her gratitude to her teachers for the love and support shown to her and her family. She also regularly prays and expresses gratitude to God and seeks protection for all at school. She is now also regular with her homework.

What are some of your school's strengths?

All our teachers and staff are Christian and unified. They strive to develop and maintain excellence in our academics and the spiritual development of students and teachers.

What do you hope for in 2021?

That we can have our children back in school and support them to develop physically, academically, and spiritually.

How have you grown personally while working with Kids Alive?

I interact with many people and have had to learn to communicate effectively. My role, among other skills, requires me to grow as a leader, manager, conflict resolver, and recruiter. Spiritually, the Lord has shown his grace and mercy to me every day. He has shown me to see Him in the eyes of the children and through His miraculous provisions for our ministry. I have had to grow every day in His grace and knowledge to be able to handle various situations and I am grateful to Him.

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