July 15, 2020

Staff ministering to staff as well as kids!

While we've struggled through the day-to-day challenges that this pandemic has brought, we have clearly seen God’s provision and protection for our children and house parents at Ark Constanza. Along with that, we've also witnessed the strength of our national colleagues and missionaries.

Working collaboratively, we've stayed safe from illness by enforcing strict quarantining of children and house parents within the campus walls and ensuring those delivering food and other essentials also follow strict protocols.

In this time together, children and workers have grown spiritually and in their love for each other while enjoying special group activities and strengthening bonds with their extended campus families.

Many of our missionaries and national staff have contributed sacrificially during the pandemic by taking on additional responsibilities including organizing special activities, teaching health and safety precautions, and volunteering to live several weeks inside the residential program as substitute parents.

This recent “sacrifice” allowed our house parents to take a much needed two-week vacation in a secluded mountain home after 12-consecutive weeks on site.

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