February 8, 2021

Teachers innovate and adapt to remote teaching

While the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted children’s education considerably, it has also impacted teachers who have had to adapt to remote teaching with almost no connection to their students. Like other children across Guatemala, the kids at Source of Hope School are adjusting to the new norm of distance and virtual learning.

To be effective, the success of this new method of teaching and learning rests heavily on our teachers' ability to innovate and adapt. While holding up our students, we also request that our teachers be lifted in prayer.Mauda, who teaches 8th and 9th grades, says, “Tercero Básico (9th grade) is working well with the study guides being sent home to ensure children keep up with their daily work. However, it hard for us as teachers as we don’t get to see our students.

Our contact is limited to their parents, who come to turn in their child’s homework and collect their weekly assignments. We can’t have contact with the kids.“Most of our students seem happy because they have the opportunity to work more while they study, but there are those who have a hard time getting motivated. ”While this continues to be a difficult time around the world, it is encouraging to see our teachers and students finding the good and seeing God’s hand in it.

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