February 8, 2021

Transformational work at Casa Monte Plata

An Interview with Ramon Prenza, National Co-Director, Kids Alive Dominican Republic

Juana and Ramon Prenza have been rescuing and transforming the lives of at-risk kids for close to four decades. They joined Kids Alive in the mid-1990s when Kids Alive began supporting the school they had started in Monte Plata.

What brings you joy at work?

I like to see children's lives change as a result of the transformational work that God does in their lives.

What are some of the biggest challenges of the past year?

It's been difficult to deal with the pandemic, but it has provided a real opportunity to help others in a time of great anxiety and fear.

Tell us about the progress you have observed?

We were able to reunite a young man with his mom and brother after he had been with us for five years. The reunification has gone well as the youth has developed a good relationship with his mother and brother. He continues with his studies at Eva Russell School and the family attends church together. He also helps his mother who is apprenticing in an auto paint repair shop. We maintain regular contact with him, as he frequently calls to inquire about the well-being of his friends in Casa Monte Plata.

What are the strengths of your program?

Kids Alive's strength centers around the holistic approach to address the needs of at-risk children. Each of the sites has experienced significant growth and benefits from strong teamwork and the passion of the staff to serve the Lord. Casa Monte Plata has its particular strengths including our young workers who serve as great role models for the younger kids. Also, we have a strong alliance with a local church, experienced long-term staff, and good facilities that help with building partnerships.

What do you hope for in 2021?

We hope the pandemic ends and we can return to a more normal routine and focus on rescuing more kids.

As you think long-term, what are some of your goals for your ministry/program?

We want to continue to improve our spiritual teaching, gain more in-country financial support and volunteer help, expand our schools through high school, and develop strong independence programs along with technical education tracts for kids.

How has your role helped you grow?

My work with Kids Alive has helped me to grow personally, spiritually, and professionally over many years. Each year I learn new skills and gain additional knowledge which lets me serve God in greater ways.

Do you have any other thoughts?

We thank God for allowing us to meet and collaborate with you our Site Partners. Let's keep our eyes fixed on God in our homes and all of our program activities.

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