August 23, 2024

Safe Haven Updates Summer 2024

Learn About Safe Haven

At Kids Alive, we walk alongside vulnerable children as they navigate the harsh realities of trauma such as abuse, sexual violence, and neglect. Our team is committed to providing a place of safety and protection - a safe haven - to heal those traumatic wounds and build communities where violence and trauma are reduced. As a Safe Haven Champion, you support our family strengthening, protective care, and justice advocacy programs. These programs involve residential homes, reunification, job skills, parent trainings, government collaboration, and victim advocacy and restoration.

“​​God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” - 1 Corinthians 1:9

Zambia Safe Haven Updates

Field Insights

Brian*, a now 20-year-old aspiring pastor, grew up at Lilato Center in Zambia. He was reunited in 2021 with his Aunt. Brian attended college and received a craft certificate in Food and Nutrition. Thanks to donors like you, Kids Alive was able to support him throughout his craft skills training. Also, his family received business capital in 2022, which has been helping the family make ends meet.

Moments of Impact

Brian arrived at Kids Alive after losing his mother and spent 19 years with us. As an infant, Brian received nutritional support from the center, which improved his health. As he grew, he enjoyed playing, singing, dancing, and participated actively in weekly devotions and Sunday church. Inspired by these devotions, Brian realized his passion for sharing God’s Word. We see in Brian’s story #ImpactThatHeals as God shows his faithfulness and calls us into fellowship (1 Corinthians 1:9).

Brian was reunited with his aunt, and he helps with household chores and his aunt's garden. He remains a committed member of the Church of Christ in Mongu and is preparing for baptism. Thanks to support from KAI donors, Brian continues to grow in faith and pursue his dreams.

Praise & Prayer

  • We praise the Lord for His faithfulness and the impact of the Lilato Center. 
  • We’re thankful for the support from donors for Kids Alive, which helped nurture Brian's physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.
  • Pray for continued strength and wisdom for Brian as he pursues his calling to become a pastor. 
“My passion to become a pastor arose from the frequent devotions we used to have with our house parents. I realized that I would love to share the word of God with the masses.”

Peru Safe Haven Updates

Kids Alive’s combined efforts not only strengthen the emotional and physical well-being of the children and their families but also pave a path towards recovery, justice, and a more hopeful future.

Field Insights

Kids Alive ensures that children have access to essential resources such as safe housing, adequate nutrition, medical care, and education. Orchard Children's Home offers specialized emotional and psychological support to help children overcome past traumas and develop skills to face future challenges, promoting their emotional healing and mental well-being. These combined efforts also pave a path towards recovery, justice, and a more hopeful future.

Moments of Impact

Alejandra*, a young girl of 9, experienced a remarkable transformation in her life. From a young age, she had been introduced to Jesus on multiple occasions, leading her to a crucial decision: to confess Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Her days were previously marked by feelings of unhappiness and loneliness. However, everything changed when she began to delve into the teachings of the Bible. As she read and reflected on the scriptures, her heart filled with a joy and peace she had never experienced before. When sadness reappears, she finds strength in Jehovah’s promises, especially Psalms 23:1-2, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in  green pastures." This promise of care and protection assures her that God is always with her and will never fail her.

Praise & Prayer

  • We are excited to see several children in our care reunited happily into their homes this last quarter. 
  • Pray that we find suitable people for mentoring our new children.
  • Pray for the caretakers so that God continues to give them wisdom to continue fulfilling this service work for our children. 
"When I read the Word of the Lord, I feel happier and more at peace." - Alejandra

Lebanon Safe Haven Update

Field Insights

At Kids Alive Lebanon, we show the kids how to believe in Jesus, in any situation, by being faithful in our own lives. When we do this, we teach them how to become faithful themselves. Every night, each unit reads the Bible and prays together. The kids also go to church every Sunday and learn the Bible. All these efforts help a child grow in faith and experience faith daily.

Moments of Impact

Trent* was a Syrian refugee whose parents were separated, and each formed a new family. This left him alone, neglected, and in a precarious position. KAL became his home and family, and we insisted that he continue his education in Lebanon amid his hardships with his family.

“I believe that God put me here for a great plan and a big reason,” shared Trent, “I see faith in everyone here!” Kids Alive Lebanon staff believed that God had great plans for him and they never stopped praying for him. Trent comes from a Muslim background, but he has seen how Jesus transformed his life and how Jesus loves him. Now, Trent is exploring faith, asking questions, and learning more about Jesus, faith, salvation, and hope. #ImpactThatHeals

Trent has experienced the redeeming love and providence of Jesus by offering him a better life and education than his parents ever could.

Praise & Prayer

  • 3 residential boys graduated from high school and we will support their higher education. Pray that they become salt and light at university and not fall into any temptation. 
  • 3 of our school students were baptized, and they learned a lot about faith at KAL school and their local church. Pray they remain steadfast in their faith.
  • Pray for the uncertain political situation, so that God keeps the staff, families, and children safe.
“I experienced faith through the love, service, and faithfulness of KAL staff. Through their actions which were full of care, love, and constant support with a big smile on their faces, and by making us feel like we are one big family, I saw faith and Jesus’s love.” 

Kenya Safe Haven Update

Field Insights

By bringing kids together for mentorship programs, we aim to provide justice and healing for them. This holistic healing—emotional, physical, and spiritual—extends to their families through interactive caregiver programs. These programs include individualized and family therapies and counseling. With KAI's support, resources, and donations, we are making this dream a reality, creating healthier families in our communities.

Moments of Impact

Karundas Hope Center’s mentorship programs began this June. On arrival every Saturday morning we often start by holding morning devotions led by Mr. Oliver, a teacher at Kids Alive Hall Mead School, who guides us through moments of prayer, worship, singing praises to God, and sharing of God’s word, related to our monthly theme of ‘Gratitude’. We listen to the kids share some of the challenges experienced in their walk of faith with God. This happens during moments of age-related group activities. We break into smaller groups with facilitators where we build rapport with the kids, and they have a one-on-one conversation with their facilitators on how they are doing. Activities include drawing, writing, and outdoor activities. All these have proved helpful in identifying the progress of each kid in their specific groups as their facilitators ascertain if anyone needs additional attention.

“Children expressed in the ‘Gratitude Jar’ that they are grateful for the mentorship program as they have learned much and get to enjoy tea and nutrition.”

Praise & Prayer

  • Celebrate with us for the new beginning and birth of the mentorship programs that have begun on a good note and in high spirit. 
  • Give thanks to God for His sustenance over us all.
  • Pray that God will answer our prayers to provide the resources needed to grow and enhance the program.

Children have been taught to trust God by faith for the unseen. Hoping for the best as they give gratitude to God for what He is yet to do.

Haiti Safe Haven Update

Field Insights

Sodney has been a resident parent at Kids Alive Haiti since 2016. He has battled lung allergies for 15 years. His condition worsened, making breathing and walking difficult. His health did not improve, despite medication. Sodney fell ill when traveling to get treatment, but he continued to pray for God's help. Miraculously, an acquaintance found him and ensured his safe return.

Moments of Impact

Amid political turmoil in Haiti, the village director coordinated with police to get Sodney to a hospital. Despite extensive tests, doctors found nothing wrong, leaving him anxious. In the Spring, Sodney stopped seeking hospital treatment, focusing solely on prayer. By Summer, he felt much better and resumed his daily activities. "I am not completely recovered, but God will finish what He started," Sodney declared, acknowledging God's saving grace.

Sodney’s life is a silent sermon of faith, but he never misses the occasion to talk about God and the importance of faith. He uses personal stories to illustrate his message. Fellow resident parents supported him with prayer during sleepless nights.

Support from donors like you allowed KAH to ensure that Sodney got the support he needed, including prayers, active presence of the other parents, access to a hospital, and financial support. #ImpactThatHeals

“I am not completely recovered, but God will finish what He started," Sodney declared.

Praise & Prayer

  • Pray for Sodney’s health improvement.
  • We thank God for allowing us to complete the school year despite the difficulties & are looking forward to the new school year ahead.
  • Pray for the maintaining of peace in our city Cap-Haitian.
"We are twice armed if we fight with faith" (Plato) and Sodney Floreal is living proof of this. 

Guatemala Safe Haven Update

Field Insights

Rosy* arrived at Oasis after experiencing trauma, feeling sad, shocked, and overwhelmed. However, at Oasis, she found God, and she felt safe there. Rosy explained that she was trusting that God was indeed doing a new thing in her life, as it says in Isaiah 43:19. KAI’s trauma informed staff walked with Rosy as she learned to have faith in God, His timing, and His plans. 

Moments of Impact

Rosy expressed to Katheryn that one of the things she carried with her, was a sense of guilt for everything that had happened to her, and she stated that the pain in her heart would not go away. In these times, Katheryn explained God’s mercy for her life, continuing to base the sessions on Isaiah 57:18-19. Almost two months later, Rosy accepted Jesus into her heart, transforming her outlook and demeanor. She became more confident and began to positively influence other girls as a ripple effect of #ImpactThatHeals. Just over a year after coming to Oasis, Rosy was reunified with her mother and family. Happy to return home while continuing baptism classes with Kids Alive, Rosy was baptized alongside 13 other girls.

Thanks to donors like you, we walk alongside girls like Rosy who accept Jesus into their lives and transform as faith becomes a central part of their healing.

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

Praise & Prayer

  • 6 girls were successfully reintegrated with their families this quarter. 
  • Kids Alive Guatemala celebrated the baptisms of 14 girls this quarter.
  • Our staff met with the Victim’s Institute in Guatemala. We’re developing plans and collaborating.
  • At Oasis, the girls are going through a study on prayer. It is a series called “Talking with God”.
  • Kids Alive’s Escuintla team held a celebration for girls who have completed their testimonies in court and finished their processes with Kids Alive Guatemala in April.
“We thank God for Rosy, and we are infinitely grateful for God’s faithfulness in her life.” – Katheryn Guitz, Spiritual Formation Coordinator, Kids Alive Guatemala.

Dominican Republic Safe Haven Updates

Field Insights

Kids Alive DR’s residential homes help children like Pedro* who placed his faith in God and cast his anger aside, he has been able to move forward in relationships free from violence and strife. While Pedro has often questioned God's plan for him, our staff has supported and guided him to see that God has a purpose for his life, opening doors he never imagined.

Moments of Impact

Pedro entered Casa Monte Plata Children’s Home (CMP) struggling with rage that he would take out on himself and anyone who crossed his path. He could not stay at school all day and often had to be separated from other children in the home. When he started therapeutic appointments with the on-site psychologist, he stated that his goals were to learn how to control his anger and pray more. Thanks to two years of prayers, growth, and psychological care, Pedro now excels in school and achieved the highest recognition in his class at the end of this academic year. Despite coming from a family steeped in generational trauma and poverty, he was able to trust the Lord to deliver him from his anger and strife. Pedro is now a leader among his peers at CMP, and you were a part of making that possible! #ImpactThatHeals

We praise God for his faithfulness and guidance of both students and staff in and out of our Safe Haven programs.

Praise & Prayer

  • We had a successful and fun family camp over spring break where all 3 residential projects met.
  • Our progress has been going well to divide the soccer field from the residential property at the Ark Jarabacoa safely allowing for team practices and visitors.
  • We’ve made great advancements in the new mentoring program at Casa Monte Plata.
  • Pray for God’s provision in filling vacant positions at each site—particularly additional house parents.
  • Pray for sufficient host families to receive our residential children for several weeks this summer.
“God has changed me so much. I can tell that I am so different than when I arrived.” - Pedro

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